Increase your IDEB with adaptive technology and blended learning.
To reduce learning gaps, Jovens Gênios developed an adaptive and gamified technology, which has proven to increase the proficiency of public education students by 17.8% and, consequently, the IDEB score in the short term. Currently, we are already transforming the reality of more than 73,000 students in 150 public schools in 13 Brazilian municipalities in just 1 year of work in the public sector.
Brazil Scenario:
6 years learning delay
of students who reach fifth grade still cannot read
of students do not know the basics of math
of students do not master the Portuguese language
of ninth grade students do not know how to interpret dissertation texts

City Hall of São José dos Campos (SP)
With more than 38 thousand students studying on the platform in 1 year of use, we increased learning proficiency by 18%, with recurring engagement of 80% of students, teachers and families. Direct impact on IDEB: “With Plei, we stand out: it helps us focus on studies in a dynamic and modern way”, approves Karen Joana, 15-year-old student in the 9th year of EMEFI Profª Luzia Levina.
Personalization of learning by BNCC Skills and Questions with TRI, CAT and ZDP
Special projects
Customize the three Young Geniuses platforms - with a name and brand created for your education plan, with rapid implementation in municipal and state schools:
1) Explorers Platform (Students)
2) Educators Platform (Teachers, Coordination and Secretariats)
3) Families Platform

Prefeitura de São José dos Campos (SP)
Prefeitura de Mesquita (RJ)
(Exemplos de marcas exclusivas que criamos)