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A fun and smart way to learn for our partner schools

Several educational institutions and private school chains across Brazil trust Jovens Gênios to revolutionize the learning process through gamification, artificial intelligence, and more innovative active methodologies



It monitors the entire learning journey and real-time engagement with a comparative view across schools, classes, students, and teachers


Proficiency in BNCC
skills mapping

Public school administrators and teachers track the development of BNCC skills for data-based pedagogical planning and evidence-based public policy creation


Real-time X-ray of discrepancies with IRT
(Item Response Theory)

With a database of over 70,000 IRT-parameterized questions, educators will have adaptive test-based diagnostics to reduce school discrepancies in a personalized manner and provide satisfactory results in the IDEB

Partner companies who trust Jovens Gênios


Our power of transformation

The Roberto Silveira Educational Center in São Gonçalo/RJ was the standout school for two consecutive years at the National Awards of the Jovens Gênios Multidisciplinary Olympiad, the largest adaptive digital competition in Latin America. The two winning students in 2023 were from there, and the key to that, according to the school’s educators, is to make students believe in themselves and encourage constant use of JG throughout the year. The winning students answered over 12,000 questions in just one week. A well-deserved recognition for an extraordinary effort!



What our clients 
say about
Jovens Gênios


Sister Adair Aparecida Sberga

1st Vice President and Director of the National Association of Catholic Education of Brazil (ANEC)

"Edebê Publishing House is a Jovens Gênios partner in all Salesian Schools in Brazil, because we have witnessed the students' enthusiasm and the diversified use for teachers with artificial intelligence resources in guiding assessments, activities, and engaging projects."
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