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Increase your IDEB with adaptive technology and blended learning. To reduce learning gaps, Jovens Gênios developed an adaptive and gamified technology, which has proven to increase the proficiency of public education students by 17.8% and, consequently, the IDEB score in the short term. Currently, we are already transforming the reality of more than 73,000 students in 150 public schools in 13 Brazilian municipalities in just 1 year of work in the public sector. Know more! Brazil Scenario: 6 years learning delay of students who reach fifth grade still cannot read 34% of students do not know the basics of math 89% of students do not master the Portuguese language 69% of ninth grade students do not know how to interpret dissertation texts 60% About Jovens Gênios? Educational solutions for hybrid and remote teaching with greater student engagement, automated reports for learning management, different class modes and much more! I want it in my Municipality / Government Technical justification JG Educators Platform Gamified Learning Management With the Young Genius Managers Platform, the public manager monitors the entire learning and engagement journey in real time with a comparative view between schools, classes, students and teachers Platform Explorers Every student is unique with an adaptive learning journey The artificial intelligence of Jovem Genênios recommends personalized paths so that the student can learn according to their level of proficiency. City Hall of São José dos Campos (SP) Case: With more than 38 thousand students studying on the platform in 1 year of use, we increased learning proficiency by 18%, with recurring engagement of 80% of students, teachers and families. Direct impact on IDEB: “With Plei, we stand out: it helps us focus on studies in a dynamic and modern way”, approves Karen Joana, 15-year-old student in the 9th year of EMEFI Profª Luzia Levina. Depositions Felicio Ramuth Former Mayor of the Municipality of São José dos Campos (SP) and current Deputy Governor of the State of São Paulo (SP) "That's what this platform is: a young, up-to-date, modern language. I'm very happy to see our city once again set an example, especially in education, which is very important for us to build a better country". Show more! Personalization of learning by BNCC Skills and Questions with TRI, CAT and ZDP Platform Technical Resources Learn more and take it to your Municipality / Government Who is already improving the IDEB with us Know more! Special projects Customize the three Young Geniuses platforms - with a name and brand created for your education plan, with rapid implementation in municipal and state schools: 1) Explorers Platform (Students) 2) Educators Platform (Teachers, Coordination and Secretariats) 3) Families Platform Prefeitura de São José dos Campos (SP) Prefeitura de Mesquita (RJ) (Exemplos de marcas exclusivas que criamos) Know more! Include the adaptive and gamified technology of Jovens Genóis in your education plan and improve your IDEB grade Fill out the form below so that our team of experts can present our unique educational solutions to you! Nome Completo Email Telefone Municipio / Governo Cargo Estado Cidade Submit! Concordo com a polítca anticorrupção da Jovens Gênio Acessar política Thank you!
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Transforming education through Artificial Intelligence Contact us Adaptive learning platform and gamified assessment. Educational efficiency in practice Exploradores · Fosters student autonomy. · Reduces learning gaps. · Increases proficiency levels · Adds fun with gamified exercises Access Exploradores Educadores · Use active methodologies in the classroom · Make classes more interesting with gamification · Real-time learning and engagement reports · Database of original questions with automatic correction. Enter Educadores Famílias · Monitor your child's academic performance · Compare learning proficiency with the class · Check engagement in tasks assigned by the teacher Enter Famílias Check who is already transforming Education with us To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Testimonials The impact of our genius Felício Ramuth Former Mayor of São José dos Campos (SP) and current Vice Governor of the State of São Paulo (SP) "This platform embodies a youthful, forward-thinking, modern language. I am very happy to see that our city has been set as an example once again, especially in education, which is crucial for us to build a better country." Jhonis Santos Jhonis Santos - Secretary of Education of São José dos Campos (SP) “The Comprehensive Education Platform, or “Plataforma de Educação Integral” (Plei - Jovens Gênios), represents the opportunity to permanently implement blended learning in municipal education. São José will be the first smart city in Brazil, certified by ABNT." Sister. Adair Aparecida 1st Vice President and Director of the National Association of Catholic Education of Brazil (ANEC) “Edebê Publisher is a Jovens Gênios partner in all Salesian Schools in Brazil, because we have witnessed the excitement of students and the various uses for teachers with artificial intelligence resources in guiding assessments, activities, and engaging projects."
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Contact We transform education through technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Gamified and automated learning platform with intelligent adaptive teaching. Platform Explorers Know more Students explore different planets of interest, guided by a personalized learning path, divided into Levels, Phases and Missions with Activities (Training, Narrative, Solo Battle and VS Battle). On the exploration journey, he can earn rewards to customize his avatar. Develop student autonomy Decreases lags of learning Increase your proficiency level Have fun doing exercises branched Educators Platform Make gamified assessments, based on the focal skills of the BNCC, and apply active methodologies such as flipped classes in a few clicks. Create assessments, championships, adaptive challenges, flipped classes and assignments in minutes. active methodologies Gamification real-time reports Question bank with automatic correction I would like in my school Platform Families Monitoring of school performance, learning proficiency, engagement and interest of the child. Bring the school into the house that of the students , participate in the routine of families and reduce evasion. I would like in my school For private education: For public education: Learn about our solutions Services included on platforms Pedagogical Consulting In order for the school to achieve the expected results in its Pedagogical Plan, we provide an exclusive pedagogical consultant to help customize the use of Jovens Gênios. Online Technical Support Aligned with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), via chat and whatsapp with a maximum waiting time of 1 minute, we serve from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 10 pm to guarantee the best experience for the entire school community. Educator Training With a Competence Matrix and over 90 Skills, elaborated from the Common National Base for Teacher Training (BNC) and the fundamentals of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for Basic Education, we created a cycle of continuous formation for a process of meta-learning of educators in 4 pillars (socio-emotional, analytical, digital and methodological), divided into levels of proficiency with formative assessments, support materials, final project, exclusive awards and certificate of completion from the MEC. Galaxy Jovens Gênios +330 Schools spread across all over Brazil +110k Active students in schools public and private +18% In proficiency increase proven after deployment +70 A thousand copyright questions with distractors and leveled by TRI 06 Disciplines with patented multidisciplinary algorithm (Artificial Intelligence) 03 Learning customization levels: by subject, in pairs and by question Customers Several schools and networks throughout Brazil rely on Jovens Geniões to revolutionize learning with gamification, artificial intelligence and the most innovative active methodologies. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Meet Jovens Gênios Conheça a Jovens Gênios! Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied award Check out what we have achieved in these almost 4 years of existence! Top 4 Amazon Edstart 2020/21/22 - Maiores Edutech Top 3 Brasil - Edutech Top 4 learning algorithms with recognition in Forbes Chile One of the top 100 Edutechs for 3 consecutive years by Holon HQ. Member of the largest startup community in Latin America Top 3 BrasilLab Top 100 Open Startups Top 3 Global Edtech 3rd place in the Task Force Covid-19 | 2020 With more than 25,000 startups analyzed, we are among the top 100 in Brazil. 3rd place in the Global EdTech Startup Awards 2022 Contact us Isabel Pinhal Professora “After Young Geniuses he revealed himself in the classroom. He did not participate, almost nothing and now he participates and asks to participate in the class.” Delma Kerr Gestora Escolar “We have a very significant partnership, even in times as difficult as the pandemic! You have made a big difference in our school!” Fárley Muniz Aluno “I was able to improve myself and learn even more mathematics. It was all so much fun! I loved Young Geniuses!” Would like to take Jovens Gênios to your school? Sign up that our commercial team will serve you. Nome Sobrenome Email Telefone Empresa Cargo Cidade Estado Entendo que este não é um formulário de contato para dúvidas ou suporte de alunos e professores Concordo com os termos e condições Submit Required to)!
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