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- Government | Jovens Genios
Boost your IDEB with adaptive technology and blended learning To reduce learning gaps, Jovens Gênios has developed an adaptive and gamified technology that has been proven to increase student proficiency by 17.8% in public education and, consequently, the IDEB score in the short term. Currently, we are already transforming the reality of more than 73,000 students in 150 public schools, thoughout 13 Brazilian cities in just 1 year of operation in the public sector. Who is already boosting the IDEB score with us? To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Every student has a unique adaptive learning journey Jovens Gênios' artificial intelligence recommends personalized paths for students to learn according to their proficiency level. Learning in a fun way increases engagement By using gaming elements, students learn in a fun way and spend hours engaged in creating avatars, earning points, and climbing the ranking of their city. More active methodologies for your teacher to use Jovens Gênios' technology provides learning experiences guided by different teaching modes such as gamified lessons, adaptive tasks, flipped classrooms, and much more. Exploradores Educadores Learning Management Monitor the entire learning journey and real-time engagement comparing schools, classes, students, and teachers. Mapping proficiency in BNCC skills Public school managers and teachers track the development of BNCC skills for data-based pedagogical planning and evidence-based policy creation Real-time Deficiency Assessment with TRI With a storage of over 70,000 questions configured by TRI, educators will have diagnoses through adaptive tests to reduce deficiencies in a personalized way and provision results in IDEB Our learning enhancement program Adaptive and gamified technologies integrated with products and services for the entire school community. Pedagogical Consultancy Personalization of the systemic use of Jovens Gênios' educational solutions aligned with the Municipal or State Education Plan, the school calendar published at Diário Oficial, and the Academic/Regional Curriculum. Responsive platform A learning and assessment platform accessible through any type of internet-enabled device with no need for storage memory. Families Platform It enhances families' perception of value and encourages their involvement in students' daily activities. Artificial intelligence Jovens Gênios' artificial intelligence recommends customized learning paths so that students can learn according to their proficiency level. Gamification Octalysis framework is used to enhance student engagement through customizable avatars with various items and rewards. Content aligned with BNCC A multidisciplinary content storage with over 75,000 questions configured by TRI and personalized theoretical content with AI Tutor in chat-texts aligned with BNCC, ensuring real-time evidence of student proficiency through SAEB rubrics. Comparative Reports Real-time engagement and learning data from each student, class and school, as well as networks for more analytical interventions. Technical support Technical and pedagogical support for all users from Monday to Friday, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. A city that trusts Jovens Gênios "With over 38,000 students studying on the platform, we have increased learning proficiency by 18%, with consistent engagement from 80% of students, teachers, and families. All of this in just 1 year!" approves Karen Joana, a 15-year-old and 9th-grade student at EMEFI Profª Luzia Levina. Testimonials What our clients say about Jovens Gênios Felício Ramuth Former Mayor of São José dos Campos (SP) and current Vice Governor of the State of São Paulo (SP) "This platform embodies a youthful, forward-thinking, modern language. I am very happy to see that our city has been set as an example once again, especially in education, which is crucial for us to build a better country."
- Política de Cookies | Jovens Genios
Política de Cookies A Jovens Gênios, para oferecer uma melhor experiência aos Usuários, utiliza cookies, o que permite que seja fornecido um serviço personalizado para o Usuário. Mas, afinal, o que é um cookie? Cookie é um texto que é enviado para o disco rígido do seu computador através de seu navegador, para que você seja lembrado pelo nosso site na próxima vez que acessá-lo. Além disso esses cookies permitem que entendamos algumas métricas e possamos, cada vez mais, melhorar nosso serviço. Porém, fique tranquilo! Os cookies, isoladamente, não podem ser usados para identificá-lo. Esses cookies geralmente são formados pelo nome do seu domínio de origem, seu “tempo de vida” (ou seja, por quanto tempo permanecerá em seu dispositivo) e um valor, normalmente um número único gerado aleatoriamente. Em momento algum, eles são utilizados para violar sua privacidade. Que uso damos aos cookies? Os “cookies” podem ser usados de diferentes formas, como descritas abaixo: Categoria 1: Cookies Funcionais Estes cookies são usados pelo nosso website por algumas de suas funcionalidades, como por exemplo, para sabermos o número de usuários ativos e sua retenção. Com isso, podemos fazer adaptações de forma a melhorar a experiencia do usuário. Categoria 2: Cookies de desempenho Este tipo de cookie coleta informações anônimas sobre a forma como os nossos usuários utilizam o site, para podermos otimizá-lo. Por exemplo, usamos uma solução tecnológica da Google chamada Google Analytics, que nos permite perceber como os nossos usuários chegam, navegam e usam o site, e como podemos melhorá-lo. As informações coletadas por estes cookies nunca contêm detalhes pessoais a partir dos quais seria possível identificá-lo. Categoria 3: Cookies publicitários Estes cookies coletam informações sobre os seus hábitos de navegação, buscando tornar a publicidade mais relevante para você e para os seus interesses. Eles memorizam os websites que você visitou e compartilham essa informação com outros anunciantes. Em nosso caso, usamos terceiros, como a Google, para lhe oferecer anúncios mais relevantes enquanto você visita outros sites na internet. Posso me recusar a utilizar cookies? Claro! É possível modificar as configurações do seu navegador para impedir o armazenamento de cookies no seu computador ou dispositivo móvel sem o seu consentimento prévio. A aba de ajuda do navegador deverá conter mais informações sobre como modificar as definições de armazenamento de cookies. Por favor, note que isso não impedirá que lhe sejam exibidos anúncios em outros sites, apenas tornará esses anúncios menos relevantes para você. Além disso, desabilitar os cookies que utilizamos, pode impactar sua experiência em nossa plataforma. É importante destacar que, caso você use dispositivos diferentes para visualizar e acessar nossa página (por exemplo, computador, smartphone, tablet, etc.) deve assegurar-se de que cada navegador de cada dispositivo está ajustado para atender suas preferências quanto aos cookies. Modificações à política de Cookies Podemos modificar essa política de cookies a qualquer momento dentro dos respectivos limites legais. Se fizermos alterações substanciais, iremos lhe notificar assim que retornar ao nosso site. É importante que você confira qualquer nova política de cookies implementada pela Jovens Gênios. Caso não aceite, estaremos impedidos de prestar-lhe nossos serviços.
- Governo.old | Jovens Genios
Increase your IDEB with adaptive technology and blended learning. To reduce learning gaps, Jovens Gênios developed an adaptive and gamified technology, which has proven to increase the proficiency of public education students by 17.8% and, consequently, the IDEB score in the short term. Currently, we are already transforming the reality of more than 73,000 students in 150 public schools in 13 Brazilian municipalities in just 1 year of work in the public sector. Know more! Brazil Scenario: 6 years learning delay of students who reach fifth grade still cannot read 34% of students do not know the basics of math 89% of students do not master the Portuguese language 69% of ninth grade students do not know how to interpret dissertation texts 60% About Jovens Gênios? Educational solutions for hybrid and remote teaching with greater student engagement, automated reports for learning management, different class modes and much more! I want it in my Municipality / Government Technical justification JG Educators Platform Gamified Learning Management With the Young Genius Managers Platform, the public manager monitors the entire learning and engagement journey in real time with a comparative view between schools, classes, students and teachers Platform Explorers Every student is unique with an adaptive learning journey The artificial intelligence of Jovem Genênios recommends personalized paths so that the student can learn according to their level of proficiency. City Hall of São José dos Campos (SP) Case: With more than 38 thousand students studying on the platform in 1 year of use, we increased learning proficiency by 18%, with recurring engagement of 80% of students, teachers and families. Direct impact on IDEB: “With Plei, we stand out: it helps us focus on studies in a dynamic and modern way”, approves Karen Joana, 15-year-old student in the 9th year of EMEFI Profª Luzia Levina. Depositions Felicio Ramuth Former Mayor of the Municipality of São José dos Campos (SP) and current Deputy Governor of the State of São Paulo (SP) "That's what this platform is: a young, up-to-date, modern language. I'm very happy to see our city once again set an example, especially in education, which is very important for us to build a better country". Show more! Personalization of learning by BNCC Skills and Questions with TRI, CAT and ZDP Platform Technical Resources Learn more and take it to your Municipality / Government Who is already improving the IDEB with us Know more! Special projects Customize the three Young Geniuses platforms - with a name and brand created for your education plan, with rapid implementation in municipal and state schools: 1) Explorers Platform (Students) 2) Educators Platform (Teachers, Coordination and Secretariats) 3) Families Platform Prefeitura de São José dos Campos (SP) Prefeitura de Mesquita (RJ) (Exemplos de marcas exclusivas que criamos) Know more! Include the adaptive and gamified technology of Jovens Genóis in your education plan and improve your IDEB grade Fill out the form below so that our team of experts can present our unique educational solutions to you! Nome Completo Email Telefone Municipio / Governo Cargo Estado Cidade Submit! Concordo com a polítca anticorrupção da Jovens Gênio Acessar política Thank you!
- Informações Completas | Parceiros | Jovens Genios
Contato Informações Pessoais E-mail address Estado Civil Escolha uma opção Profissão Cidade Registro Geral (RG) CPF Endereço Órgão de Expedição Estado Bairro CEP Informações da Empresa Nome Fantasia Estado CEP Razão Social Cidade Endereço CNPJ Bairro Send Informações enviadas com sucesso! Houve um problema. Tente novamente!
- Contact us | Jovens Genios
Start awakening your student's genius now Fill out the form and find out how to hire Jovens Gênios Your name E-mail address Phone number Company Your message Your message Send Done!
- Home | Jovens Genios
Transforming education through Artificial Intelligence Contact us Adaptive learning platform and gamified assessment. Educational efficiency in practice Exploradores · Fosters student autonomy. · Reduces learning gaps. · Increases proficiency levels · Adds fun with gamified exercises Access Exploradores Educadores · Use active methodologies in the classroom · Make classes more interesting with gamification · Real-time learning and engagement reports · Database of original questions with automatic correction. Enter Educadores Famílias · Monitor your child's academic performance · Compare learning proficiency with the class · Check engagement in tasks assigned by the teacher Enter Famílias Check who is already transforming Education with us To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Testimonials The impact of our genius Felício Ramuth Former Mayor of São José dos Campos (SP) and current Vice Governor of the State of São Paulo (SP) "This platform embodies a youthful, forward-thinking, modern language. I am very happy to see that our city has been set as an example once again, especially in education, which is crucial for us to build a better country." Jhonis Santos Jhonis Santos - Secretary of Education of São José dos Campos (SP) “The Comprehensive Education Platform, or “Plataforma de Educação Integral” (Plei - Jovens Gênios), represents the opportunity to permanently implement blended learning in municipal education. São José will be the first smart city in Brazil, certified by ABNT." Sister. Adair Aparecida 1st Vice President and Director of the National Association of Catholic Education of Brazil (ANEC) “Edebê Publisher is a Jovens Gênios partner in all Salesian Schools in Brazil, because we have witnessed the excitement of students and the various uses for teachers with artificial intelligence resources in guiding assessments, activities, and engaging projects."
- Home.old | Jovens Genios
Contact We transform education through technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Gamified and automated learning platform with intelligent adaptive teaching. Platform Explorers Know more Students explore different planets of interest, guided by a personalized learning path, divided into Levels, Phases and Missions with Activities (Training, Narrative, Solo Battle and VS Battle). On the exploration journey, he can earn rewards to customize his avatar. Develop student autonomy Decreases lags of learning Increase your proficiency level Have fun doing exercises branched Educators Platform Make gamified assessments, based on the focal skills of the BNCC, and apply active methodologies such as flipped classes in a few clicks. Create assessments, championships, adaptive challenges, flipped classes and assignments in minutes. active methodologies Gamification real-time reports Question bank with automatic correction I would like in my school Platform Families Monitoring of school performance, learning proficiency, engagement and interest of the child. Bring the school into the house that of the students , participate in the routine of families and reduce evasion. I would like in my school For private education: For public education: Learn about our solutions Services included on platforms Pedagogical Consulting In order for the school to achieve the expected results in its Pedagogical Plan, we provide an exclusive pedagogical consultant to help customize the use of Jovens Gênios. Online Technical Support Aligned with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), via chat and whatsapp with a maximum waiting time of 1 minute, we serve from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 10 pm to guarantee the best experience for the entire school community. Educator Training With a Competence Matrix and over 90 Skills, elaborated from the Common National Base for Teacher Training (BNC) and the fundamentals of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for Basic Education, we created a cycle of continuous formation for a process of meta-learning of educators in 4 pillars (socio-emotional, analytical, digital and methodological), divided into levels of proficiency with formative assessments, support materials, final project, exclusive awards and certificate of completion from the MEC. Galaxy Jovens Gênios +330 Schools spread across all over Brazil +110k Active students in schools public and private +18% In proficiency increase proven after deployment +70 A thousand copyright questions with distractors and leveled by TRI 06 Disciplines with patented multidisciplinary algorithm (Artificial Intelligence) 03 Learning customization levels: by subject, in pairs and by question Customers Several schools and networks throughout Brazil rely on Jovens Geniões to revolutionize learning with gamification, artificial intelligence and the most innovative active methodologies. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Meet Jovens Gênios Conheça a Jovens Gênios! Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied award Check out what we have achieved in these almost 4 years of existence! Top 4 Amazon Edstart 2020/21/22 - Maiores Edutech Top 3 Brasil - Edutech Top 4 learning algorithms with recognition in Forbes Chile One of the top 100 Edutechs for 3 consecutive years by Holon HQ. Member of the largest startup community in Latin America Top 3 BrasilLab Top 100 Open Startups Top 3 Global Edtech 3rd place in the Task Force Covid-19 | 2020 With more than 25,000 startups analyzed, we are among the top 100 in Brazil. 3rd place in the Global EdTech Startup Awards 2022 Contact us Isabel Pinhal Professora “After Young Geniuses he revealed himself in the classroom. He did not participate, almost nothing and now he participates and asks to participate in the class.” Delma Kerr Gestora Escolar “We have a very significant partnership, even in times as difficult as the pandemic! You have made a big difference in our school!” Fárley Muniz Aluno “I was able to improve myself and learn even more mathematics. It was all so much fun! I loved Young Geniuses!” Would like to take Jovens Gênios to your school? Sign up that our commercial team will serve you. Nome Sobrenome Email Telefone Empresa Cargo Cidade Estado Entendo que este não é um formulário de contato para dúvidas ou suporte de alunos e professores Concordo com os termos e condições Submit Required to)!
- Plataformas | Jovens Genios
Acesse nossas plataformas Alunos: plataforma exploradores ENTRAR Professores: plataforma educadores ENTRAR Plataforma famílias ENTRAR
- Declaração de Acessibilidade | Jovens Gênios
Accessibility Statement Updated on: May, 24th 2023 General Jovens Gênios strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. We invest a significant amount of resources to help ensure that our website is easier to use and more accessible for people with disabilities, with a strong belief that the website accessibility efforts benefit all users and that every individual has the right to live with dignity, equality, comfort, and independence. Accessibility at Jovens Gênio We provide the Web Accessibility Widget do UserWay , powered by a dedicated accessibility server. The software enables Jovens Gênios to enhance its compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) Enabling the Accessibility Men Jovens Gênios' accessibility menu can be enabled by clicking on the accessibility menu icon that appears in the corner of the page. After activating the accessibility menu, please wait a moment for the accessibility menu to load completely. Disclaimer Jovens Gênios continues its efforts to continuously improve the accessibility of its website and services, believing it is our collective moral obligation to enable ongoing, accessible, and unimpeded use for those of us with disabilities. In an ongoing effort to continuously improve and address accessibility issues, we also regularly scan our websites and platforms using the Scanner de acessibilidade do UserWay to identify and rectify all possible accessibility barriers on our website. Despite our efforts to make all Jovens Gênios pages and content fully accessible, some content may still not have been fully adapted to the strictest accessibility standards. This may be a result of not having found or identified the most suitable technological solution Here for You If you are experiencing difficulties with any content on our websites and platforms or need assistance with any part of our website, please contact us during business hours as detailed below, and we will be happy to assist you Contact Us If you wish to report an accessibility issue, have any questions, or need assistance, please contact our Customer Service using the following. E-mail:
- Política Anticorrupção | Jovens Genios
Anti-Corruption Policy Anti-Corruption Policy The JOVENS GÊNIOS Compliance Program reflects the culture of integrity and compliance with the current national legislation to which JOVENS GÊNIOS is subject. The provisions contained in this Anti-Corruption Policy ("Policy") aim to maintain the highest standards of business ethics, reinforcing our zero-tolerance policy towards corruption. JOVENS GÊNIOS does not tolerate any form of corruption in the broadest sense of the term. Corruption, for JOVENS GÊNIOS, is not limited to actions in dealings with Public Officials, nor is it limited to the giving, promising, or offering of Improper Advantage. Corruption should be understood broadly, encompassing various offenses that harm Public Administration, such as administrative misconduct, bid fraud, conspiracy with competitors to thwart competition in bids, hindering the activities of investigation or supervision of Public Officials or Government Authorities, money laundering, among others. Consult the Compliance Committee or the Legal Department of JOVENS GÊNIOS if you participate in procedures that involve interactions with Public Officials and have questions about how to act in these situations. This material is essential in the process of strengthening the culture of JOVENS GÊNIOS and guides the path we must follow to preserve ethical professional conduct. JOVENS GÊNIOS expects its Employees and Mediators, as defined below, to faithfully comply with this Anti-Corruption Policy and applicable laws, as well as maintain the highest ethical standards of business conduct. This Policy, therefore, complements the general provisions set forth in Law No. 12,846/2013 ("Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law") and its regulations, as well as other legal provisions applicable to JOVENS GÊNIOS, collectively referred to as "Anti-Corruption Legislation". The Policy applies randomly to all JOVENS GÊNIOS Employees and to all transactions in which we participate, also expressing the principles that we expect individuals and entities acting on our behalf, especially Mediators, to follow. 3.1 JOVENS GÊNIOS: JOVENS GÊNIOS PROVEDOR DE CONTEÚDO LTDA., CNPJ No. 29,286,289/0001-39. 3.2 Compliance Committee: The JOVENS GÊNIOS Compliance Committee, made of a minimum of 3 (three) members, who can be elected and dismissed by the JOVENS GÊNIOS Council, with the election or dismissal communicated to the partners by email. In case of disagreement with the election or dismissal of the Compliance Committee members, the partners will decide by an absolute majority in an Extraordinary General Meeting regarding the Compliance Committee. 3.3 Employees: All employees, interns, service providers, partners, and executives of JOVENS GÊNIOS. 3.4 Public Official: Anyone, even temporarily or without compensation, who holds a public office, position, or function in Brazil or abroad, in government agencies, state entities, or diplomatic representations, as well as in legal entities controlled directly or indirectly by the government or in international public organizations. Examples of Public Officials for the purposes of this Policy include (i) federal, state, and municipal government employees of the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, (ii) employees of autonomous agencies (including regulatory and executive agencies) and public companies, (iii) diplomats, including ambassadors, consuls, and chancellors; (iv) members of the Military Police and Fire Departments, among others. Also considered Public Officials for the purposes of this Policy are (i) political parties, their members, employees, agents, or other individuals acting for or on behalf of a political party; (ii) candidates for political or elective office; and (iii) any private individual acting in an official capacity for or on behalf of any of the individuals or entities listed above. 3.5 Mediators: Any representative or contractor of JOVENS GÊNIOS who has contact or may have interaction with public authorities and/or Public Officials on behalf of or in the interest or benefit of JOVENS GÊNIOS, or who represents or may represent JOVENS GÊNIOS before public authorities and/or Public Officials, such as: Service providers; Law firms; Tax consultants; Marketing and event production agencies; Proposers of incentive events. 3.6 Improper Advantage: Any tangible or intangible asset, including but not limited to money, gifts, courtesies, and values, offered, promised, or delivered with the aim of unduly influencing or rewarding any act, decision, or omission of a person, whether they are a Public Official or not. This concept includes gifts, entertainment, airfares, accommodations, donations, sponsorships, or any other valuable item used for such purposes, namely unduly influencing or rewarding any act, omission, or decision. The offer of tangible or intangible assets described above, which complies with items 4 and 5 and their subsections in this Policy, does not constitute an Improper Advantage, thus preserving compliance with Anti-Corruption Legislation. JOVENS GÊNIOS has a zero-tolerance policy for acts of corruption. Promising, offering, or giving an Improper Advantage to a Public Official or related third parties, clients, or suppliers, as well as frustrating, defrauding, or manipulating public bidding procedures and/or public contracts is strictly prohibited and subject to personal liability under Anti-Corruption Legislation, in addition to sanctions applicable by JOVENS GÊNIOS. Remember: everything that this Policy prohibits us from doing directly, we also cannot do indirectly through third parties. No Employee or Mediator will face adverse consequences for refusing to (i) offer, promise, pay, give, or authorize an undue or illegal payment, advantage, reward, or benefit, or (ii) frustrate, defraud, or manipulate public bidding procedures and/or public contracts, even if it results in the loss of business opportunities for JOVENS GÊNIOS. 4.1 Improper Advantage Employees and Mediators of JOVENS GÊNIOS are strictly prohibited from, directly or indirectly, promising, offering, or giving an Improper Advantage, regardless of the value, to a Public Official or to related third parties (it is also prohibited to give, offer, or promise an Improper Advantage to a third party if we have reason to believe that it is receiving the Improper Advantage on behalf of the Public Official). Important: this prohibition also applies to small payments occasionally requested by a Public Official with the aim of expediting or ensuring the execution of a non-discretionary procedure ("facilitation payments"). To ensure compliance with this rule, any tangible or intangible asset to be promised, offered, paid, given, or donated to a government body or Public Official must be approved by the Compliance Committee, as described in item 5 of this Policy. Likewise, Employees and Mediators of JOVENS GÊNIOS are strictly prohibited from, directly or indirectly, soliciting, requesting, agreeing to receive bribes, kickbacks, influence payments, improper or illegal benefits, or any form of favor or special treatment. 4.2 Public Bidding and Public Contracts Regarding public bidding and public contracts, Employees and Mediators of JOVENS GÊNIOS are strictly prohibited from (i) frustrating or defrauding the competitive nature of a public bidding procedure; (ii) preventing, disrupting, or defrauding any act of a public bidding procedure; (iii) excluding or attempting to exclude a bidder through fraud or the offer of any type of advantage; (iv) defrauding a public bidding or the resulting contract; (v) fraudulently creating a legal entity to participate in a public bidding or enter into an administrative contract; (vi) fraudulently obtaining undue advantage or benefit from modifications or extensions of contracts concluded with the public administration without legal authorization, in the public bidding call, or in the respective contractual instruments; or (vii) manipulating or defrauding the economic-financial balance of contracts entered into with the public administration. To ensure compliance with this rule, any contract involving a public entity, even indirectly, must be submitted for prior evaluation by the Compliance Committee and the Legal Department, as described in item 9 of this Policy. Employees and Mediators are prohibited from promising, offering, or giving any gifts, giveaways, entertainment, meals, travel expenses, or other forms of hospitality collectively referred to as "Donations" to a government body or Public Official without approval from the Compliance Committee. Donations to government bodies or Public Officials are only permitted if they (i) serve legitimate and appropriate purposes related to the Company's core activities, (ii) are not linked to any retribution or intended consideration associated with the Donation, (iii) are limited and reasonable in value, type, and quantity, (iv) comply with the internal rules of the recipient organization, (v) are openly presented to the recipient (not secretly), (vi) do not embarrass JOVENS GÊNIOS if publicly disclosed, and (vii) do not violate or contravene Anti-Corruption Legislation, applicable law, or the rules and procedures established in this Policy. The rules of this Policy regarding Donations to government bodies and Public Officials apply to Mediators when they are acting on behalf or in the interest of JOVENS GÊNIOS. Donations to Public Officials suggested or requested by Mediators without formal requests from the government body or Public Official are prohibited. For all expenses incurred with Donations to Public Officials, the respective supporting documents must be issued. These expenses should be accurately identified, and their supporting documentation (receipts, invoices, etc.) should be properly archived and recorded in the Company's books and accounting records, as described in item 10 of this Policy, and should also be appropriately registered in the Compliance Channel. These rules apply to all situations described in items 5.1 to 5.4 below. 5.1 Gifts Employees and Mediators are prohibited from promising, offering, or giving any gifts to a government body or Public Official without prior approval from the Compliance Committee. Gifts to Public Officials will only be allowed if (i) they have the nature of a non-commercial gift or are gifts distributed widely as a courtesy, advertisement, or promotion or on special occasions or holidays, as long as they do not exceed the value determined by the Compliance Committee; and (ii) their delivery is not prohibited by Anti-Corruption Legislation. Gifts, including product donations, to government bodies or entities, whose maximum reference value will be determined by the Compliance Committee for a period of one year., are allowed. Gifts in cash or cash equivalents (such as gift cards or certificates) are prohibited. Gifts with values below the reference values do not exempt the requester from prior reporting through the Compliance Channel. Any exceptions to the rules in this section 5.1 must be approved in advance by the Compliance Committee. 5.2 Entertainment Due to the market segment in which it operates, events are legitimate means for JOVENS GÊNIOS to promote and publicize its business, either through hosting its own events or sponsoring third-party events. In this context, JOVENS GÊNIOS may provide entertainment, such as tickets for events held or sponsored by JOVENS GÊNIOS, to promote and publicize its practices and business to third parties. Notwithstanding the above, Employees and Mediators are prohibited from promising, offering, or giving any form of entertainment to a government body or Public Official without prior approval from the Compliance Committee. Entertainment can only be provided or given to a Public Official as described above when the Public Official is attending the event in an institutional capacity, and it is advisable that at least one JOVENS GÊNIOS Employee be present at any entertainment provided by JOVENS GÊNIOS. Providing entertainment to accompanying individuals or guests of a Public Official by JOVENS GÊNIOS is not allowed, and the provision of entertainment will not be approved if there is a potential negative exposure for JOVENS GÊNIOS. Any exceptions to the rules in this section 5.2 must be approved in advance by the Compliance Committee. 5.3 Meals In the context of our business activities, meals may occur with third parties related to our activities. Meals can only be offered or paid to Public Officials when the subject to be discussed is related to the institutional functions of said Public Official and at least one JOVENS GÊNIOS employee is present. The maximum meal value to be offered to a Public Official will be determined by the Compliance Committee, and it cannot involve luxury items (such as expensive drinks and food). Payment for meals by JOVENS GÊNIOS for companions or guests of Public Officials is not allowed. Meals offered to Public Officials that adhere to the limit described in the previous paragraph must be reported to the Compliance Committee within a maximum of 1 (one) business day from the date of the meal, following the procedure described by the Compliance Committee. Meals that exceed the value described in the previous paragraph must be pre-authorized by the Compliance Committee, even if the actual meal expenses are updated later. Any exceptions to the rules in this section 5.3 must be approved by the Compliance Committee. 5.4 Travel Expenses Employees and Mediators are prohibited from promising, offering, or paying for any travel expenses for or on behalf of a Public Official, including transportation, meals, and accommodation, without prior approval from the Compliance Committee. Payments for travel expenses for Public Officials will be approved if the event that necessitated the travel, such as seminars, conferences, visits, and technical meetings, is directly related to the promotion of JOVENS GÊNIOS products and initiatives or the execution of a contract, and provided that the event is relevant to the duties of the Public Official's position or role. Invitations for participation in the events discussed here should be sent to the highest authority of the entity or agency, or to another designated instance or authority, who will indicate, in case of acceptance, the appropriate representative, considering the nature and topics to be addressed at the event. Travel expenses will be paid only if: the trip has a legitimate business purpose; the cost is reasonable and according to JOVENS GÊNIOS policies; no guests or family members of the Public Official are traveling at JOVENS GÊNIOS's expense; and there are no planned stops unrelated to the business purpose of the trip, unless the additional expenses resulting from this stop are borne by the Public Official, not JOVENS GÊNIOS. Expenses beyond what is reasonably necessary for the business purpose, including extravagant accommodations or expenses related to companions, or those not in accordance with JOVENS GÊNIOS's internal policies, will not be approved. Payment of per diem expenses (defined as fixed payments to an individual intended to cover expenses on a given day, regardless of the nature and extent of expenses actually incurred on that day) is prohibited, unless required by applicable law or previously agreed in writing with the Public Official's organization. Payment of compensation to the Public Official for participation in the event is prohibited. To avoid deviation risks, expenses should, whenever possible, be paid directly by JOVENS GÊNIOS. For example, airfare should be paid directly to the travel agency or airline. Any exceptions to the rules in this section 5.4 must be approved by the Compliance Committee. Donations to non-profit institutions or associations must be pre-approved by the Compliance Committee, and the receiving institution must expressly agree to comply with item 4 of this Anti-Corruption Policy. If the donation request is made by a Public Official, the following rules must also be observed: donations should not be made as part of an exchange of favors with a Public Official; they should not be made in cash; they should not be paid to a private or individual account or to a for-profit organization; they should not constitute a political contribution; and they should be transparent regarding the identity of the recipient, the amount, and the intended purpose. If the Public Official promises any benefit or makes any threat regarding the donation request, the request should be denied. The employee responsible for the donation should monitor the donations. This monitoring may involve requests for audited financial statements or confirmation from the recipient that the funds donated by JOVENS GÊNIOS were used appropriately. All expenses should have their supporting documentation (receipts, invoices, etc.) properly filed and recorded in JOVENS GÊNIOS's financial statements. Donations and political contributions on behalf of JOVENS GÊNIOS are prohibited. Employees and Mediators must avoid any conduct that may be perceived as a political donation or contribution on behalf of JOVENS GÊNIOS. Employees who choose to personally make donations or contributions to political parties and election campaigns must bear all related costs and expenses. No refund related to these costs and expenses can be requested or provided by JOVENS GÊNIOS. 8.1 Hiring Mediators JOVENS GÊNIOS regularly hires Mediators, as defined in section 3 above. Therefore, as they may interact with Public Officials on behalf of JOVENS GÊNIOS or during the provision of services to JOVENS GÊNIOS, it is expressly prohibited to hire or retain Mediators, even on an occasional basis, without prior and periodic evaluation by the Compliance Committee. The following requirements must be observed: All payments made to Mediators must be supported by a formal contract or a credible document that demonstrates the purpose of the payment and must be regularly accounted for in a way that accurately reflects their nature and purpose; Contracts must be clear and precise regarding compensation, contract scope, the goods or services to be provided by the Mediator, and must include a specific clause obliging the contracting party to comply with applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation, with the understanding that in case of non-compliance, JOVENS GÊNIOS will terminate the contract; No payment can be made or promised to a Mediator except in exchange for legitimate goods or services; Any payment must be in an amount no greater than the fair market value of the legitimate goods or services received; Mediators must comply with applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation, with all JOVENS GÊNIOS policies and standards applicable to Mediators, and maintain the highest ethical standards of business conduct. Notwithstanding prior validation by the Compliance Committee, Employees must remain vigilant for any "suspicions" that may arise. It is the responsibility of the Employee to immediately report to the Compliance Committee any irregularity or suspected irregularity by the Mediator regarding this Policy or applicable Anti-Corruption Legislation. 8.2 Hiring Former Public Officials JOVENS GÊNIOS may only hire or elect former Public Officials as Employees or Mediators, directly or indirectly, after a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of their discharge, or after a different period established by law, whichever is longer. Any and all contracts involving a public entity, even indirectly, must be submitted for prior evaluation by the Compliance Committee and the Legal Department, through the Compliance Channel. The requesting Employee must submit, in advance, all available information regarding the object of the contract and the bidding process to be adopted, as well as any justifications for the waiver or non-competitiveness of the bidding. It is strictly prohibited to discuss prices, offers, conditions, or proposals with other interested parties, possible interested parties, or participants in any bids in which JOVENS GÊNIOS is participating or intends to participate, whether or not they are related to the education sector ("JOVENS GÊNIOS Business"), as well as to take any action that may affect the participation of third parties or undermine the competitive nature of the bidding process, such as assisting or directing the preparation and specifications of bid documents or excluding bidders through fraud or offering any type of advantage. Employees must always act to ensure that JOVENS GÊNIOS's financial statements, books, and records accurately, clearly, completely, and adequately reflect all of JOVENS GÊNIOS's business and operations. All transactions must be recorded and managed in accordance with JOVENS GÊNIOS's accounting policy and other Financial Department policies, including those related to the budget, as follows: having a direct business purpose related to the transaction; clearly and accurately reflecting JOVENS GÊNIOS's operations; being recorded in a manner that allows for the preparation of financial statements in accordance with applicable accounting standards; complying with applicable tax laws; and maintaining accountability for assets. All supporting documentation must be retained in accordance with applicable record retention requirements. No fund or asset not recorded in JOVENS GÊNIOS's financial statements may be established or maintained for any purpose. No Employee should engage in the falsification of any accounting record or other business record, and all employees and administrators must fully and correctly respond to any inquiries made by JOVENS GÊNIOS's internal or external auditors, or auditors of any regulatory authority. It is the obligation of every JOVENS GÊNIOS Employee to know and understand the content of this Policy and to comply with all rules provided herein. No Employee has the authority to request or take action that violates this Policy. This Policy is not subject to waiver or exceptions due to commercial or competitive demands or other requirements. Non-compliance with this Policy may result in civil and criminal penalties for JOVENS GÊNIOS and the involved Employees, and may result in disciplinary sanctions for such individuals, including but not limited to termination for cause and reimbursement for damages caused. Additional strictly prohibited conduct includes: any form of corruption, extortion, or fraud; offering or accepting bribes, kickbacks, or other illicit incentives; forgery of documents, expense reports, financial records, trademarks, or products; embezzlement, smuggling, counterfeiting, corporate espionage, or other unfair and anticompetitive practices. The above list is merely illustrative and not exhaustive. All illegal or immoral conduct is prohibited. If you have any questions regarding the application of this Policy, please consult the Compliance Committee or open a case through the Compliance Channel, via email at . If, however, you suspect or have knowledge of any deviation or violation of this Policy, make a report to the Ombudsman via email at . Employees, Mediators, and other business partners who report violations or potential violations of anti-corruption laws and regulations, as well as JOVENS GÊNIOS's internal policies and procedures, will not suffer any form of retaliation. Such reports are encouraged by JOVENS GÊNIOS and can be made anonymously if the reporter prefers so. THE JOVENS GÊNIOS OMBUDSMAN IS A DIRECT CHANNEL FOR REPORTING VIOLATIONS OF LAWS, REGULATIONS, JOVENS GÊNIOS POLICIES, AND PROCEDURES, AND IS AVAILABLE VIA EMAIL AT: OUVIDORIA@JOVENSGENIOS.COM . REPORTS ARE HANDLED CONFIDENTIALLY AND WITH SECRECY.
- UNDIME_Sul | Jovens Genios
Nos vemos em BREVE Quem somos Essa é sua página Quem Somos. Esse espaço é uma ótima oportunidade para contar quem você é, o que você faz e o que seu site tem a oferecer. Seus usuários querem saber mais sobre você, então não tenha medo de compartilhar histórias pessoais para criar um conteúdo amigável. Clique duas vezes na caixa de texto para editar seu conteúdo e certifique-se de adicionar todas as informações que você deseja que os visitantes saibam. Se você é um negócio, fale sobre como começou e sobre sua jornada profissional. Explique seus valores principais, seu comprometimento com os clientes e como você se destaca no mercado. Adicione uma foto, galeria ou vídeo para ter um engajamento melhor. Entre na lista Inscreva-se para saber quando ficarmos online. Nome Sobrenome Email Inscreva-se Obrigado por inscrever-se
- Our Technology | Jovens Genios
Each student is unique, and we are aware of that How Our Technology Works We employ Item Response Theory (IRT) in conjunction with Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to precisely ascertain each student's proficiency level in various skills and topics. This enables us to understand not only what the student already knows but also where they can make improvements. The Optimal Guidance for Maximizing Learning After assessing each student's proficiency, our platform provides real-time, tailored recommendations for topics and activities. This is made possible because our Artificial Intelligence maps complex relationships between different topics and skills. With this detailed insight, we precisely know which areas the student should master before delving into new challenges. Simultaneously, we identify when it's the right time for them to progress into more advanced topics. (Skills network and their relationships.) The Right Challenge for Each Student The pedagogical theory of psychologist Vygotsky, known as the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), is a cornerstone of Jovens Gênios' methodology. Our goal is to keep each student precisely within this zone: a point where the content is neither so simple as to be monotonous, nor so challenging as to cause frustration. By striking this balance, we ensure that the student remains motivated and engaged, optimizing their learning potential. Our combination of IRT, artificial intelligence, and established pedagogical theories such as ZPD enables us to create a unique learning experience. With Jovens Gênios, each student embarks on a personalized educational journey that not only meets but surpasses their potential. This is the power of education coupled with cutting-edge technology. Boosting Motivation with Gamification Transforming learning into an engaging and rewarding journey. Gamification is a powerful tool in education, encouraging student’s motivation and engagement. At Jovens Gênios, we incorporate this concept through the Octalysis framework, which identifies 8 key motivational drivers. To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. With the Octalysis framework, Jovens Gênios transforms the learning process into an engaging adventure in which every gamified element serves to boost student motivation and engagement. Thus, learning becomes not only effective but also enjoyable and meaningful. Tangible Impact of the Jovens Gênios Methodology When students engage with the Jovens Gênios methodology as recommended, the results are remarkable. Those who dedicate themselves to solving at least 10 questions per week not only meet but often exceed the established learning goals; 71.18% of these students achieve the desired standard of learning for their respective school year. To put it into perspective, this significantly outperforms national figures: only 15% of students complete elementary school with adequate skills in Mathematics, and just 35% in Portuguese, according to Saeb*. The distinctiveness of the Jovens Gênios methodology becomes even more evident when we assess its impact in comparison to conventional methods. Compared to a control group, students following our recommendations demonstrate a learning gain that is 4.25 times greater**. Evolution of learning by engagement group (Learning evolution in 2022, grouped by groups of students, based on their engagement.) * Source: Saeb, INEP ** Source: Jovens Gênios internal study